Wednesday, August 31, 2011

welcome to fantasy football 2011, sunfunners!

This time last year, I was just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him why he would rather mock draft than have a conversation with her.  And then that girl shrugged her shoulders and thought, "Eh, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"  So she started her own super awesome fantasy football league with a group of similarly clueless but game women.  And with that, Sunday Funday for Girls (aka SunFun) was born.

It's hard to believe that only a year ago, this ragtag group of gals couldn't even tell you the difference between a sleeper and a bust.  Now look at us!  With a full season of FF under our belts, we know marginally more than we did before.  Bravo, sporty ladies.

And now we're embarking on a second season, which my co-commissioner Katie and I will capture in detail here on this blog.  Just like last year, we'll be providing tips and instruction to the league on a regular basis.  Also on deck: awards, prizes, events, multi-media experiences and more.  Stay tuned!

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